Friday, 18 November 2011

Week 4 Object Creating and Editing

Inside door

After having a discussion we came up with a few more objects that need to be created for the guildhall. The first is the door, a door found on the inside of the guildhall which will be very different from the ones found on the outside.

To start create an editable poly box and use the inset tool to create a border around the door. Next use the connect tool to cut up the door frame into a few sections. Use the inset tool again on each of the sections to create small borders to show off the door patter. Select the small faces around each of the new faces created using the inset tool and extrude those inwards slightly.

Next using the symmetry modifier will help mirror the door so that this new pattern appears on the other side of the door.

For the door handle create and editable poly cylinder and apply the bend modifier tool. Place on the door and then apply the reflection map with the raytrace feature which will give the handle a chrome effect. The symmetry modifier can also be applied here to create a door handle on the other side of the door.

Glazed door

For this take the inside door already created and place a glass effect using the refraction and raytrace map in the sections that have been split up using the inset and connect tool. Use the symmetry modifier to apply the same to the other side of the door.


After completing the layout for the library I suddenly realized that we had overlooked another object, the fireplace.

To start create an editable poly box and add some segments to it, then remove some of the bottom front faces, this will form the space in the fireplace. Next select all of the lines around the outside of the space and use the shift copy method to draw out some new lines. Move these lines inwards towards the back of the fireplace then extrude the top ones upwards a little to create the chimney. Flip the bottom segments around then extrude them upwards a little to create a platform where the logs will sit.

Create a cylinder and add a tree texture to it. Copy it several times, sort them into a pyramid shape then place them in the new space on the platform.

Now the fireplace needs a grate/grill in front of it. Create and editable poly cylinder and move the vertices near the top of the cylinder back a little making a curve shape. Use the shift copy method to create several copies and place them in a row to form the grate.

Now that the fireplace is complete I can add it to the library with all of the other objects organised last week. I also gave it a marble look to resemble a more realistic fireplace.

I have also updated the group blog with all of the modelling techniques that have been used amongst the group members. This helps us keep track of what different techniques each of us have tried. I have also updated the group blog with animating techniques that we could use when we reach the animating stage. These techniques include camera movement, lighting and shadowing and also toying with the idea of using the reactor tool to create curtains.

Bannister Pole

Next a bannister pole is needed for the stair case. This is quite a simple object to create, first use the line tool and create a long shape, with a few bumps here and there in the front viewport. Next use the lathe tool around the y axis to create a 3d shape. Open vertex mode in the line modifier and make sure that show end result is turned on. From here any changes to the vertex can be made and clearly show what the shape will look like when finished.

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